Monday, April 9, 2007

Back to South Africa, but sitting in Atlanta

I should be boarding Delta Airlines flight 34 right now, but instead I'm sitting in Atlanta. I figured now would be a good time to start this blog, something that I hope to update over the next three months while I'm in South Africa.

I have been counting down the days till I return and I think the worst part now is waiting. I'm excited to return to Amasango and see the kids, see how life has changed--or stayed the same, visit with people from Rhodes and once again, experience the divided world of Grahamstown. The first time through it was fascinating. I can only hope for the same excitement this second round. I think it will be just as rewarding, but in different ways.

For starters, I do not have to worry about doing coursework for Rhodes since I'm no longer a student there. During my last visit, Amasango School and Eluxolweni Shelter were by far my favorite part of South Africa. Last time though, I was just spending 3 days a week, a couple hours a day, at the school and shelter--this time, it's going to be all day, every day.

The contents of my suitcase are a little different this time around too. For starters, I know what I need and what I don't need, what I can buy there, what the kids would like. I have in my suitcase 80 disposable cameras. The SNAP foundation (see link below) provided me with 80 cameras to give to the kids. I'm especially looking forward to this project. I'm hoping to work with the kids at Amasango and one group of kids at a township high school. I'm going to give each kid one disposable 27-shot camera. They can take pictures of whatever they'd like as long as it somehow showcases a part of who they are, of where they come from, of what they hope or aspire for. I don't doubt that some of the cameras will get lost, stolen or sold. I will consider it a success if I get 40 of the 80 cameras back. We'll see!

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